No Más Bebés, the Oscar-nominated documentary directed by Renee Tajima-Peña, is being screened Monday, October 23 in Studio C of the Communications Building at 7:30 pm. The film focuses on the lives of several Latina women that had been forcibly sterlizied following giving birth, detailing their struggles against the institutions of racism and sexism that ended their dreams and aspirations concerning family. In addition to its Oscar nomination, No Más Bebés has recieved several awards and nominations, including the Official Selection of the 2015 DOC NYC and the Official Selection of the 2015 Ambulante Documentary Film Festival.
The film is being shown as an introduction to Renee Tajima-Peña visit to the UC Santa Cruz campus on October 26 for the Living Writers Series.
For more information about the screening, contact Karen Yamashita at